Saturday, 20 August 2016

Advantages of Pregnancy Fitness

Pregnancy fitness? Yes, right. You are pregnant, your body is undergoing several changes, and a new life is developing inside of you; and depending on you. But you are not sick, you are not suffering from an illness, so there is no reason why not to stay fit.
In fact, if you are a healthy woman, your pregnancy is doing well, and showing no complications, the more fit and active you are, the better.
Fitness involves healthy eating and appropriately exercising, and if you take care of both aspects, your body will find it easier to adapt to your changing body shape, needs and gains. Fit pregnant women cope with labor with more ease. Furthermore, exercising during pregnancy has benefits, some of which are:
– Improved energy.
-Decreased risk of acquiring gestational diabetes.
-Reduced risk of acquiring long-term obesity.
-Improved posture and reduced backaches.
-Reduced risk of gestational diabetes, swelling and bloating.
-Improves your cardiovascular system, which also benefits the amount of oxygen your baby receives.
-Helps to reduce the stress and anxiety sometimes associated with pregnancy.
-Reduces the risk of acquiring urinary incontinence which is common in many pregnant women, especially at the latest stages.
Advantages of Pregnancy Fitness
Advantages of Pregnancy Fitness

That being said, you will need to bear in mind certain considerations. Although physical activities and sports are beneficial, you will need to restrict yourself in some aspects (such as not exhausting yourself till becoming breathless), or avoid certain sports for your baby´s sake.
When it comes to the nutritional aspect of pregnancy fitness, needless to say, that you have to keep a balanced diet, and follow the indications of your doctor. Depending on how much you exercise, you may need more of certain nutrients than other moms to be.
Getting straight to physical activity which is usually one of the first concerns pregnant women show. If you do physical activities or exercise (dancing, yoga, running, tennis, cycling, etc.) you can keep on with your regular routines, as long as you keep feeling comfortable, unless – for some reason- your doctor specifically prohibits you from exercising. Of course, even if you have been practicing a particular sport and are continuing doing so, don´t forget to tell your instructor right from the moment you discover you are pregnant. Being aware of that, your instructor will be able to give you particular recommendations or precautions if required.
As we mentioned above, you can continue exercising unless otherwise prescribed by your physician.
There are yet a few precautions you need to take:
-Warm up before you start exercising.
– Don´t exercise up to exhaustion. If you can´t speak because you are breathless, you have then trained too hard.
-Avoid exercising strenuously in excessively hot weather.
-If exercising in heated swimming pools, beware, particularly if you have low blood pressure.
-Drink, drink and drink plenty of water during training.
-If you practice any martial arts, you can do all training and warm up, but you must avoid the sparring. Don´t risk getting an unwanted kick or punch in your womb!
-Avoid having to lie flat on your back mainly after the fourth month, and never do it for more than one minute. In such position, you are putting pressure on a vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to your baby.
-Never hold your breath, such in some weight lifting exercises, this could augment your blood pressure and reduce the oxygen your baby receives.
-Avoid much jumping. You could harm your pelvic tissues and your joints, which are already carrying extra weight.
-Forget about scuba diving; your baby could suffer from decompression sickness and gas bubbles in the blood.
-If you had not been practicing sports or exercising before getting pregnant, you could still enjoy the advantages of pregnancy fitness. Walking on a daily basis is a great option. You can also consider yoga, Pilates or aqua gym.
Usually, doctors recommend pregnant women doing about 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. The type of exercise will vary a lot from woman to woman. One of the main factors is how active the woman was before she got pregnant. Obviously, we are talking about healthy women and non-complicated pregnancies. It is known that highly competitive athletes can keep a quite elevated pace of training during their pregnancy without suffering any harm or cause any harm to their babies. Something similar happens with women who practice weightlifting and get pregnant. They can continue weight-lifting, but under strict supervision, adapting their routines to their new condition, and lowering the weight they lift.
Even though pregnancy is highly motivating for many women, those who weren´t used to exercising before getting pregnant should be very careful, and should avoid starting a strenuous training plan. So, don´t expect to find a pregnancy fitness program that fits all. We have given you some recommendations that any pregnant women willing to enjoy a healthy pregnancy and stay fit could benefit from. Again, there is not such thing as a standardized plan that fits all. Create yours based on your previous lifestyle, your health condition, your pregnancy stage, your doctor’s advice and the guidance of an experienced trainer or instructor. And, if while exercising you feel something that you are not used not, or have doubts it could be affecting you or your child, immediately suspend your physical activity and inform your trainer, and your gynecologist without delay!

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Fitness Secrets

One can stay healthy by simply following some best health tips. Health is the stage of the metabolic effectiveness of an existing organism. In individuals, it is the capability of persons or society to adjust, and self-supervise while in front of bodily, psychological or communal challenges and its capability reduces with the process of ageing. Blissfully, aging is like chalk and cheese now than it used to be for our grandparents and parents. These days, there are new individuals existing longer than it used to be in history. In reality, seniors will figure seventy-eight million by the year 2030. We require turning into campaigner in promoting beneficial behaviours and aim our finest to stay lively and fit the remaining part of our life.
Tips to stay healthy
One can easily live a fit and healthy livelihood just by following best health tips suggested for seniors and those health tips for seniors are as follows: 
·         One should quit smoking to improvise your health and fight aging. Smoking destroys by rooting cancer and heart strokes. In men, it directs to erectile malfunction because of atherosclerosis and also by attacking skin elasticity. Many ways are available to assist you to quit.
·         Physical movement aids to maintain a good weight, stop or manage illness, nap healthier, diminish anxiety, keep away from falls and appear and sense better.
Fitness Secrets
Fitness Secrets

·         One needs to eat properly combined with bodily activity, consuming healthy foods in the correct amounts which help keep you strong. Numerous illnesses like heart ailments, stoutness, elevated blood nervous tension; diabetes can be prohibited or inhibited with nutritional alteration and work out. Vitamin and Calcium additions help women avoid osteoporosis.
·         To stay fit one has to surely maintain a healthy weight. Additional weight amplifies risks for diseases of the heart, diabetes, and elevated blood pressure. By using BMI calculator, one can find out how much one should weigh according to the height. Achieve a healthy mass and continue by eating correct and remaining active. One needs to replace sweetened food and drink with water as it is calorie free.
·         One should avoid falls as we age as usually, we become susceptible to falls then. Prevent any injuries by keeping paths free of electrical clutter and cords, using night-time lights in lobby and bathrooms. Wearing shoes with superior hold reduces the threat of falling.
·         Have regularized immunizations and various health checking. By the age fifty, women must start mammography screening for early detection of cancer in breasts and men for cancer. Numerous defensive screenings are accessible.
·          With the increasing age, skin becomes thin, turns drier and loses its elasticity. The appearance of wrinkles, cuts and wounds take a long time to repair. One should make sure that they protect their skin from various external agents. Ultraviolet rays and lots of sun cause cancer.
·         Regular dental, hearing and eye checkups are advisable. Teeth last a life span if one cares properly by daily flossing, brushing. Common vision troubles which can damage vision includes cataract, glaucoma. Often due to loud noises hearing problems are seen in seniors.
These are few best health tips which when followed properly one can blissfully remain healthy and fit.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Stages of Pregnancy Month by Month

So you just found out you are expecting a baby! Your body will undergo a lot of changes: the miracle of a new life is taking place inside of you, and your body is preparing for it. But how does it happen? How is it that a simple tiny ovule becomes a baby? How does this perfect natural process take place? Keep reading and find out how your child is developing inside of you!
Stages of Pregnancy Month by Month
Stages of Pregnancy Month by Month

Pregnancy takes about 40 weeks, and it is divided into three trimesters, each one lasting around 13 weeks. Nine months, nine full moons. Let´s see what happens during each month!
Month 1
The fertilized ovule started to divide before you realize. You will probably notice that your menstrual period hasn´t arrived on time, so you will have a pregnancy test done. Some women begin experiencing the first symptoms, such as morning nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. However, the uterus is not wide enough yet to be noticed on your belly. The embryo is smaller than a lentil at the end of the first month. However, the neuronal tube starts to form. At the end of the first month, the heart is already beating!
Month 2
Pregnancy symptoms are intensifying, and the uterus begins to expand. The embryo is now called a fetus and starts receiving the nutrients from the placenta. At the end of the second month, your baby will already have eyelids and upper lip. The future arms and legs can be identified, and the body of your baby is now getting longer. Your baby is now about 2 cm long.
At this stage, you may be experiencing fatigue and may need to urinate with frequency. You can also be more emotionally sensitive.
Month 3
Probably, you can already notice your belly is showing up. But, although you may be eating more, that increase is because of your growing uterus! On the third month, your baby already has hands, feet and fingers, even nails! All main body systems and organs are on the stage of development. And despite the sexual organs are already formed, it is still very unlikely to determine the gender. Weighing around 20 grams, and being about 7 cm long, your baby will now enter a stage of fast growth!!
Month 4
Now you feel your baby´s moves! You may be recovering your sexual desire while although your waistline started to augment quite noticeably. At the fourth month, your baby has Lanugo ( the soft downy hair that covers the tiny body, as well as vernix, which is a greasy substance that protects the skin. At the end of this month, you baby already has fully formed facial features, and can smile, yawn, and make funny faces. You will notice the nervous kicks of your baby, and your baby will recognize your voice!
Month 5
Proud mom, you can now brag about your pregnancy wearing maternity clothes!
Now your baby will start gaining a lot of weight, will be moving a lot, and an echo will tell you if it´s a boy or a girl (if the position allows it, of course). Your baby may spend time suctioning his little fingers, which have yet developed fingerprints.
Your belly-button may protrude a bit; you may start releasing colostrum (a yellowish fluid that mammary glands produce before producing milk).
Weighing about 350 grams, and being 20 cm long, your baby is developing the senses, particularly touch and taste.
Month 6
Are you having backache, hemorrhoids, leg cramps, or constipation? Some women do, many don´t, but it´s completely normal. All the sensory organs are developed, and the baby starts interacting and exploring the surroundings of his world. The child perceives all external stimuli, and the habits of the mom directly affect him. Avoid stress; your baby will feel it. The small muscles in the baby´s chest start practicing movements similar than the ones we do while breathing, but the lungs are not fully developed yet since they are the last vital organs to reach full development. Your baby is about 24 cm long now and weighs average 1 kilogram.
Month 7
If you are experiencing heartburn, it is because the increase of your uterus is forcing your stomach and intestines move. Your baby has been gaining weight and growing, which makes it hard for him to move and stretch. Now the weights between 1.5 and 2 kilograms, and gaining centimeters at a fast pace! The baby eliminates about half liters of urine into the amniotic fluid, and in most cases is placing himself with the head down. If your baby still didn´t don´t worry, he is about to do it soon. Lungs will be soon be fully developed, although many premature babies born at the end of the seven-month don´t need any breathing assistance. A suggestion? Get your bags ready to leave in case your child decides to anticipate birth!
Month 8
You probably feel fatigue quickly, your uterus has grown a lot, and made your lungs move up, so your breathing capacity can be reduced. Your baby has no much room to move , so you won´t feel much movement inside. All the baby´s organs are fully developed, and the lungs are reaching their complete development. Most babies are now in the final position, ready to be born!
Month 9
Final stage! The cervix of the mom begins to shorten, and the birth canal starts dilating. Your baby is fully developed now; he can blink, turn his head, react to sounds, light, and touch. Your baby is ready to see the outside world! Pay attention to all the signs: you will lose the mucus plug, which can happen a few days before birth, or even notice a slight bleeding. If you start having regular contractions, or if your water brakes, get your stuff and head to the hospital to welcome your baby!
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